Liberties – How to be Solid

A Liberty is sort of the entry-level advanced stunt.  Unbraced extended Liberties are only legal at Level 3 and above.  Advanced Stunt Class at many camps require a solid Liberty to participate.  The Liberty is the gateway stunt.  Hitting your Libs means you have arrived.  You are in the game.  So it is more than important that you master your Liberty.  This article is going to offer some suggestions for things to try to get more consistent and confident in your Liberties.

Starting with the bases, it is important that you make your flyer feel as secure as possible.  This starts with your grip.  For the main base, try to cover as much of the sole of your flyer’s shoe as possible.  In other words, do not ONLY hold the extreme heel and toe of her shoes.  The more your flyer has to stand on, the more secure they will feel. 

For the side base, one of your hands should be between the main bases 2 hands, covering whatever is left of the flyer’s shoe’s sole.  The other hand should either on the ankle of the flyer if you can reach that high, or on one of the wrists of the main base to help support the flyer’s weight.  What I think generally works the best is to place the left hand on the main bases right wrist, which is the hand on the flyer’s toe.  This is because the back spot can assist with the ankle/heel section of the foot.

One more word on the bases.  Unlike with 2-legged stunts where you should be spaced as far apart as the flyer’s hips, in Liberties, you should be as close to each other as possible, chest to chest, so that you can both be under the flyer and providing the strongest support possible.

For the back spots, you have a key role in getting the flyer in the air.  You should have your left hand under the flyer’s seat (that’s cheer-talk for “butt”), and your right hand on the flyer’s ankle.  Many back spots make the mistake of setting up a step behind the flyer.  This means you will either have to step in as the stunt goes up, or you will be pushing the flyer forward on the way up.  It is better to set up as far under the flyer as possible.  Try to position your flat hand on your shoulder, like you are carrying a platter.  That way, you will be doing most of the lifting with your legs.

All bases and back spots, remember to squeeze whatever ankle, wrist or foot that you are holding good and hard.  The tighter you squeeze, the more secure your flyer will feel.  Also, that reminds the flyer that they need to squeeze too.

Flyers, you are going to get most of the advice.  Lucky you!  🙂

Getting up, not only are you going to “step and lock” with your main (usually right) leg, not only are you going to push-off of the bases shoulders (or sometimes heads) with you arms, you are also going to take a big, strong jump off the ground with your back leg.  The back leg is the one that flyers tend to forget about.  I think this is because they just let the back spot lift them rather than pushing themselves.  You want your Liberty to “shoot” up to the top as fast and aggressively as possible.  The combination of a strong back leg push and good boost from the back spot is what makes that happen.

One you’re in the air there are a couple of things that you need to do that are standard for most stunts.  You need to hollow out.  Check out the article on flyer technique if you have questions about that.  You have to lock your base leg.  You have to NOT look down.  But there are also a few things that you have to choose how and what to do…

First, what do you do with your free leg/foot?  Some people teach a Liberty to dangle the free leg, get balanced, and then pull it up.  This is done because one thing you NEVER want to do is pull the Lib leg too early.  The earliest the Lib leg should be lifted is at the top of the stunt, after the bases have locked out.  However, that means shifting your weight to lift your leg after the bases have already become settled.  I find that this sometimes destabilizes the flyer.  You can do either, but I prefer to pull the Lib leg at the top without hesitation.

When you “hit the Lib,” you should think about lifting your leg, NOT your foot.  Your foot will obviously come up underneath you, but that should be a result of the leg lifting and not the other way around.  Also, think about lifting you thigh so that it becomes flat like a table, instead of lifting your knee.  Thinking about lifting the knee sometimes causes the flyer to stick the knee forward which has all kinds of bad side effects.  Also, be careful to keep your hips level.  If you lift or lower the hip of your Lib leg you are going to lose your balance.

Some people teach to place the foot of your Lib leg against you base leg.  I think this makes the Lib look prettier.  But be careful.  You do not want to REST your foot against your leg.  If you rest your foot there, is can cause your base leg’s knee to bend or your hip to drop.  You must continue to hold you leg up using the hip flexor muscles and not just press it against your leg.

One other suggestion.  I usually start teaching Liberties with the flyer NOT pulling a high V.  I want the flyer to focus on their hips and on hollowing out.  Pulling a high V while lifting the leg frequently leads the flyer to stick her knee forward and roll her shoulders forward and the stunt falls off the front.  Once the flyer is consistently staying in the air without the high V, adding arm motions is usually simple enough.

I hope some of those suggestions and observations are useful to you.  Feel free to leave your own in the comments section!

Explore posts in the same categories: Stunting

53 Comments on “Liberties – How to be Solid”

  1. As far as bases go in a lib, I find it is of course best to be as close as possible, but the side base should usually t-in to the main base so that the hand underneath the flyer’s foot can take as much weight as possible. Also, I think it is more stabilizing for the flyer if the side base has her other hand on top of the flyer’s foot, to steady the ankle(if she’s tall enough of course)…i’m a side base if you haven’t guessed lol

    • Hey Justine,
      Great input! I’ve seen the T-in technique used with much success. I also like it as a transition to single-base (or faux single-base) 1-legged stunts.
      As far as the side base putting their off hand on top of the flyers foot (fingers on top of the shoe laces), I have to admit that I have never seen the benefit of that technique. It might be that I haven’t seen it used correctly. The two problems I’ve encountered with that technique is the side base is either pulling the flyer straight down, making the stunt heavier, OR the flyer slightly rolls the flyers foot over towards the side base causing the flyer’s left hip to drop and them to lose their balance. Because of these issues, I’ve found it most effective to have the bases pushing up under the flyer and let the flyer balance on their own. However, since you obviously use this technique, could you please fill me in on how you do it and why your flyers like it? Thanks!

      • Isabel Says:

        Hi! I base and fly, but my coach is having my fly now so I’m reading this. XD
        I’m a side base too, and I ‘hamburger’ the flyer’s foot. My flyer had a really wobbly ankle from an injury, and when I squeezed the foot, it helped stabilize it. I start out with my left hand on her shin to help shove up, so when the stunt is in the air, my left hand is already up there, so it’s easy for me to put my hand (the four fingers) on the laces, and work my thumb under right next to my right hand. That way, my flyer is more stable!

  2. Monica Says:

    I know that you try to get the flyer to focus on hips and not hit a high V, but, if your flyer hits a high V, by pulling up her shoulders she holds her wait more, and makes it easier on the bases.

    • Hey Monica. Thanks for your comment. As for the high V helping a flyer hold her weight, I don’t necessarily agree. Flyers certainly need to “hollow out.”. However hollowing out involves lifting the diaphragm up towards the rib cage. Lifting the shoulders does not directly cause the flyer to hollow out. I have seen where some flyers lift their diaphragm more consistently when they hit a high V. I have also seen tumblers remember to breathe by tumbling with their mouth open. In both cases, there is no cause and effect relationship. The open mouth and/or high V are physical cues that remind them to execute the other technique properly. I would certainly encourage a flyer to use a high V if that reminded them to hollow correctly in their stunts. However it is important to recognize that the high V does not cause the hollowing out. Additionally, a superior flyer should be able to hit their stunt with or without a high V or any other motions so try not to become dependent on it.

  3. McKala Says:

    I have just become a flyer not too long ago….and i have already done an exstension and a show and go and now im hopin my liberty is next…thinking about it, its scary but i know if i can get confident i can pull it. Thanks Cheerleading daily for giving me some tips I will definitely be uses those tips….

    • McCayla, you’re welcome for the tips. Thank you for visiting the website! Good luck with your liberty and everything. Tell your teammates about our blog. Maybe they’d enjoy visiting too.

  4. Aly Says:

    Hi! I am doing a lib in my competition but when ever the back calls craddle I always just crumble and I don’t kniw how to fix it. Even my craddles from preps and extentions are not very good! Help!!!!

    • If you’re crumbling, you may be holding your breath. It is common for flyers who hold their breath to buckle when the cradle is called. Another possibility is that you are “jumping”off of your bases when you think the cradle is coming. That could counteract your bases’ pop so that you wouldn’t go anywhere and crumble. Unfortunately, these are only guesses. I suggest video taping yourself in the stunt. You probably need to see yourself. That is the best way for you to understand what is going wrong in the cradle.

  5. Ariana Geroux Says:

    We are having a lot of issues with our fliers kicking their left legs out to the side on the way up. Suggestions?

    • That generally happens when the flyer has not properly shifted their center of gravity over thier base (right) foot. They’re off balance so they kick the left leg to try to gain balance. Your flyers might need a stronger boost from the back spot on the way up to help them lock out their right leg. Also, the flyer might need to jump harder off their back leg to help lock out the right leg. Make sure your flyers know to be aggressive locking out their right leg. If a flyer is not very confident, they sometimes hesitate locking out. They do this because they feel like they have more control with a slightly bent right knee. If a flyer does not have great confidence in the bases to catch them in a fall, that can also cause them to fail to be aggressive locking out the knee. Someting I do with inexperienced liberty stunt groups is have the group cradle the instant the liberty locks out. The flyer knows they only have to lock out for an instant and then they get to cradle, and that tends to relax their fears. Then, you tell the group they will hold the liberty for a 1 count. Then a 2 count. Then a 3 count, and so on. Eventually, the whole group gains confidence that they will always be safe because they are used to cradling safely. With that mutual confidence, the flyer becomes more confident, is more aggressive locking out the knee, and you’ll stop seeing the left leg kicking.

      I hope some of that helps. Let me know. And if you you can think of any more details, I might be able to help out more.

  6. Lucy Says:

    Hi I’m a flyer and was woundering some drills to help me with my scorpion switching to scale in extension I feel like I can’t balance I don’t no what it is ? I want to no if its me or my bases so I’m practicing it on the ground to get my balance have any drills

    • Lucy, this is a VERY advanced transition. These types of stunts generally require more specialized and personalized coaching. I would really have to see your stunt group work for a little while to come up with some useful comments. The best I can offer without knowing any specific issues your group is struggling with is to suggest perfecting similar, but less advanced, transitions. Do you switch legs like a tick tock? If so, make sure your tick tock is perfect. Do you execute a level change like in a power press? If not, try incorporating a power press in the transition. That is sometimes easier than (and a good drill for) transitions that are meant to be performed at an extended level. Of course, all of this is assuming that you already have perfected the scorpion and the scale. Make sure you don’t have any strength, flexibility and balance issues in those positions. IF you can think of any more specific issues that you’re struggling with, let me know. For now, I hope some of these suggestions help.

  7. Katelyn Says:

    If a load in position doesn’t feel comfortable for the flyer, such as the height of her leg in the bases hands, could that be one reason for a Liberty not being solid? Also when a flyer is in the air and begins to fall to one side what are some tips for her to easily regain her balance while maintaining the stunt?
    Your article has given me very helpful advice 🙂
    -Thank you

    • I’m glad you are finding the article useful. Thanks for visiting the website!

      Yes, an awkward load position can indirectly affect the stability of the flyer once the liberty is in the air. Anything that causes the stunt to go up timidly or unaggressively can result in the flyer having to work too hard to lock out the base leg when she should only be worrying about hollowing out and centering her body mass over her bases. The load position is all about compromise. Maybe the bases need to adjust. Maybe the flyer needs to support her weight in her arm on bases shoulders better. Maybe the backspot needs to provide a stronger boost. There are lots of moving parts. Use trial and error and good communication to figure it out. Also, remember to cooperate and not play the blame game.

      Falling side wase out of a liberty is almost always the result of resting the left foot against the right leg OR lifting the left leg too high so the right hip drops. There too many possibilities for me to give you a good guess for your specific situation. However, my go to suggestions are to remind the flyer to breathe and relax her shoulders and tell the bases to give a solid platform to stand on and squeeze the foot and ankle as hard as they can. Sorry I can’t be more specific right now.

      Good luck. And please tell others to come check out the blog. 🙂

  8. Des Says:

    I find it easy to grab your shorts when first learning a lib, just because it teaches you how to lock out once you’re in the air

    • That’s a good tip. I know a lot of flyers who have tried that or something similar. I remember a flyer who liked to fly with poms in her hands. Squeezing the poms seemed to get her mind off of being scared. Just remember that grabbing poms or shorts or anything is only a remporary measure. Once youre stunt group gains proficiency in a skill you can leave the safety blanket behind.

  9. Nikky Says:

    Hi, I’m a flyer I really need some extra help on my extension lib. When my stunt group starts from a prep and straight to an extension lib. I will usually jump out of the stunt, kick my left leg our or just go up and hit and come crumbling down. I just did my extension lib 6 times without no problem and have to hold it for 4 counts, when I came the next day I couldn’t hit at all and we have a performance in 2 weeks. They usually tell me to clear my head and think of nothing and just lock out my leg.

  10. Debbie cheer mom Says:

    My middle school flyer has done this stunt a dozen times with her team. She however just fell from this stunt and was not caught by her back post or bases. Luckily no broken bones. As her mom I am looking for tips how to prevent this happening again.
    Your tips and instructions are helpful.

  11. Shanelle Says:

    I am doing my lib and I don’t feel very confident about it, I try to imagine that somebody is lifting me up and I try not to balance myself. I keep leaning maybe, because of my foot leaning to much on my main leg. I was wondering if height had a big factor, because I have really long legs and find it harder to even to do a jump. I have a lot to pull up. My friend is way shorter than me and has short legs and her stunt goes up fine. She also is my coaches favorite and gets more support. I also get worst comments than her. I try and try, but need to work on being confident I trust my bases, but not myself. I have excellent balance on the ground, but not while doing the lib. What could I do to improve myself?

    • Taller flyers have certain extra challenges for certain. It is hard to diagnose a specific problem without seeing your stunt group work. However, you mention having trouble with your jumps. That could mean you need to improve your explosiveness in terms of leg strength/power. It you have a deficiency in that area it could also affect your balance in the air. The more powerfully you push off the back leg and the faster you lock out you base leg, the more stability you will have when you hit the top. Also, since your bases won’t have to muscle you up as much they will have more energy left to control the stunt which should help you feel more secure. I suggest asking the bases if they struggle to lock out. If so, you can help them and help yourself by being more aggressive jumping and standing up when the stunt goes up. I hope this helps and thanks for visiting the site!

  12. Caitlin Says:

    My flyer has been flying for two weeks now. She hit her liberty on her second try perfect. Is this usually the case or she just good at this? I’m asking because our squad wants to move on to harder things but I don’t want to rush her.

    • Great to hear she is doing so well. New fliers can sometimes be better students than experienced ones because they haven’t learned any bad habits yet.

      As to your question, try not to rush on too fast to the next stunt. Hitting a lib is one thing. Try hitting it in a cheer. Have her perform motions in the air. Try a formation change and then straight up to the lib. You want to master the lib in all different situations before you need to move on to harder stunts. But it’s very encouraging that you’re off to such a good start. Good luck and keep it up!

  13. Shelly Says:

    Hi, I’m a back spot on my middle school cheering team and were working on libs, heel stretches, arabesques, and twist cradles from those stunts. My flyer was the feature flyer last year but she’s gained a few pounds and now, at 7 inches shorter than me, she’s 5 pounds heavier. Shes all muscle, but its really difficult to fly her now. Our bases are also concerned about flying her, but we haven’t said anything to her yet because she’s really sensitive. The other day she was injured, so we flew a 6th grader instead. Within 15 minutes of working together, we were doing twists from extension and hitting solid libs and even though she had never done them with us, she was great- better than our regular flyer, and the perfect size for our group as well. We really want to switch and fly her instead, but then she would be the top flyer instead of the girl who was the top flyer last year so she might get upset. We’re planning to ask coach tomorrow at practice but I don’t want to offend our current flyer because she always talks about how “fat” she is. Also, the other day, our coach was talking about finding the benefits of lighter girls vs. experienced girls. how can we make the switch without anyone getting offended? i just dont feel that flying the heavier flier is safe because we can never get stable. Help?

    • Thanks for your comment. This is a very complicated issue and I GREATLY appreciate your thoughtful and sensitive outlook. You have valid concerns which I will try to address. Also, please see my article, “Too Bog To Fly,” which also discusses this topic.

      First, understand that it is not your responsibility to determine who flies. That responsibility belongs to your coach. If your coach makes a switch, you and your bases should not feel guilty. The coach has to do what is best for the team.

      Having said that, I think it is perfectly appropriate for you and/or your bases to tell you coach how you feel. If your former flier is too heavy for your group to safely progress to more advanced stunts and you have an alternative in a younger/smaller flyer, it is fair to make that suggestion to your coach.

      As for saving your original flyer’s feelings, that may be hard to do. The simple fact is that people change physically over time and sometimes that brings other changes. If she is replaced as your flyer, she isn’t going to like it. She might not think it is fair. In fact, it might not BE fair. But that is just how it is. Everyone outgrows flying eventually. In fact, everyone outgrows cheerleading eventually.

      Maybe your original flyer will have future opportunities to fly on the high school team when she will become “the newer, younger girl.” And if not, and she ultimately has to transition from flying to a different role, it is important that everyone understand that EVERY person on a cheer team plays an important role. Hopefully that will be something she is ready to deal with when the time comes.

      I have one more thought for you. Is the problem that the flyer is too heavy, or is the problem that you and your bases are not strong enough? Do you all work on strength training? How many push ups and lunges do you all do each day? If the answer is “zero,” then maybe you all could be doing more, not only to support a teammate but also to make yourselves stronger and better cheerleaders. Also, if you can tell your coach and yourselves that you have done everything you can do and gone the extra mile, then you REALLY can’t feel bad if a flyer change gets made.

      I hope that helps some. Good luck!

  14. Ashley Says:

    My coach always tells me to lift my chest. Since we got our new cheer coach we have been flying through stunting getting advanced. She says lifting my chest helps the bases and also keeps me more sturdy.

  15. izzwizz76 Says:

    Hi! I know this is an older entry, but I’m not sure where else to go for advice. I have cheered for two years and am beginning my third. Each year I became part of a more advance squad and this year I’m in varsity for my school. I was a flyer my first year, but we only did preps and the occationally extension. I learned my second year that we did everything wrong, even sponges. I joined the junior high squad last year and we did some advance stunts, but I was the backspot so I had no more experience in flying. This year, I am the flyer again, but I’m not doing so hot… I am having trouble with everything at first but mostly Liberties. I have been able to hit maybe three, but I’ve fallen out of the rest (maybe 15?). Both of my bases are new at cheer but my backspot is the best one on the squad. After I do a couple, I begin to shake so bad that I can’t remain stiff in the air. I think it’s fear or nerves, but I’m not sure. How can I get over my problem? I’ve only had two practices and I’ve already been threatened to be moved to a new position. Any help is appreciated!

    • Kelsi Says:

      Hi! I’m actually having the same problem with my Libs. My coach says it just takes time to be comfortable in the air. Always lock out your base leg to stay sturdy!Just try to relax and stay calm in the air.

  16. Kelsi Says:

    Hi Everyone! I recently made my varsity cheer squad and I was put as a flyer. We had a stunt class and we were taught to lib. This stunt terrified me! Does anyone have any suggestions on how to relax myself when I do this stunt. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  17. Ramani Says:

    Hi Cheerleading daily,

    I am a flyer and we have been practicing libs for so long. Honestly I can hit the stunt I just get nervous and bail. Sometimes its just a balance thing, which aggravates me so much. ( And I can tell my coach gets frustrated with me because she knows that I can do it) But anyways I was just wondering if you had any balancing exercises that I can do at home, because I obviously cant bring my stunt group home to practice! Thanks for everything (:

  18. Sophia Says:

    Hi, I’m the only freshman on my varsity cheer squad, and I was pulled up from the JV squad 2 months into the season. I have a competition really soon, and our elite stunt(it’s a lib, followed by a scorpion, scale, arabesque, and a full down) terrifies me. My bases are really solid, and I used to be able to hit libs fine, but now just thinking about going up on one foot makes me want to throw up. My coach keeps telling me what I need to do in the stunt, and I know I can hit it almost every time I try, but richt before I go up it’s like I’m completely unable to use any of the technique I have. I’m not a new flyer; I have been cheering for ten seasons and I’ve always been a flyer, but no matter what I try, I can’t get over my fear.

  19. Brandy Says:

    Hi, Sophia. I’m in seventh grade, and I have almost the exact same routine as you, (save the scale). I understand what you mean about being capable of the said stunt, yet still having trouble with it (I can never seem to pull my extensions just right). As for the fear, I have that when it comes to basket tosses, because I’m really small, and my bases are the best and (largest) on the team. The way I deal with my fear is taking a REALLY deep breath, telling myself that I can, and already have, done it, and putting a huge smile on my face!! In all honesty, it’s probably just a temporary phase, they happen to every cheerleader. So put on your brave face, and be confident!!! Hope it helped, bye(:

  20. Morgan Says:

    I am a varsity cheerleader and I’m the flier. Everytime we get up I fall over the secondary bases shoulder. They blame it on me but I don’t think it is. I try to save it but it’s not possible. It happens this way everytime and when they switched fliers the same thing happened to her. What do you think is going on?

  21. Morgan Says:

    My foot is moving the whole time also. It goes from one side to another. How can I fix that?

    • Hi Morgan. I’m sorry but it’s hard to say what the problem is without seeing your stunt group perform the skill. It could be just about anything. You could be holding your breath. Any one of the bases might not be locking out their arms. The back spot might not be squeezing your ankle/foot hard enough. You could be dropping your hip. The list of possibilities that could cause your foot to rock from side to side is pretty much endless. If you want to post a video to youtube, let me know. I’ll check it out and try to give you some suggestions.

  22. Ashley Says:

    As bases, are there any tricks as to how to stay under your flyers? I feel like we should move with her to stay under the flyer but I don’t know if that will throw off the flyer more. Any suggestions? I think sometimes our stunt group just gives up and doesn’t try to push through the problems. What are some skills that we can work on?

    • Ashley, that’s a really good question. I think the answer is pretty simple and short. Bases shouldn’t really move to stay under the flyer because the flyer shouldn’t be moving very far. The flyer needs to make the minor balance checks to keep from drifting and dragging the bases out of formation. Certainly it is the job of the bases to keep your eyes on your flyers hips. Where ever the hips go, the flyer will follow. However, if you have to move to stay under the flyer, there something else bad going on that is causing the movement in the first place so you should review everyone’s technique and try to identify what is causing the movement.

  23. Eliza Harris Says:

    idk if your still answering this thread, I’m a flyer and I tend to cross my left knee across my right thigh in the lib. It seems to be the only way I will stay up the whole time. this results in my entire body twisting to the right and my bases under me having to move with it. When I load in, my position is fine, but in the dip I start to turn already just on the way up, any suggestions?

    • I have a few suggestions. First, stop squeezing with your left leg muscles. Instead, simply think about lifting your left leg so that your thigh is parallel to the floor. Remember, lift, do not squeeze. In the other hand, squeeze your right thigh as hard as you can. Finally, relax you shoulders and remember to breathe. Keep this in mind, clenching muscles is bad, controlled squeezing is good. Stay in control. I hope that helps. Good luck.

  24. Envy Says:

    Hi, I have been a flyer for quite a while now, but I am having problems with falling to the sides. Also while I am up in the lib I shake horribly. Any tips on what I could do?

  25. maria Says:

    I keep leaning forward or leaning back when I’m in a lib and I don’t know how to stop myself from doing that. Is there anything I can do at home to practice a lib?

  26. Lacey Says:

    I’m considered a “heavy” flyer by my coach because I have more muscle that the other flyers who are very tiny . I’ve been trying to hit a lib but it sort of feels like I’m doing a show and go half of the time because my bases can’t get me up … I’m doing my best to hollow out . Also I can’t seem to keep good enough balence during the lib.. Do you have any tips?

  27. help!! Says:

    I rarely get to fly but when i do am usually really good. Was doing amazing one time got to fly the whole practice but fell outta my extension lib pyramid. Just fell every time at least was caught any tips and was it my stunt group or me

  28. […] this weeks blog post I will be teaching an intermediate level stunt called a liberty.  According to Cheerleading Daily’s blog and through my own experiences a liberty is where the flyer stands on one foot (usually the right […]

  29. Leah Says:

    I am a flyer, and I was just thought on how to do a lib but I was taught to pull the lower knee part up, and not ever let my hip drop and lock your knee the whole time. But I keep losing focus and step on my right base shoulder or face. What can I do to keep focus ?

  30. Brittany Says:

    I am a Flyer and I pulled the stunt before but some how I just cant pull it anymore I always lose balance but honestly when I go up in the stunt it feels really shaky like the bases aren’t doing it right what can I do to help it be stable and nail the stunt!!!

  31. cheerleader101 Says:

    Hi, this is my firsts year flying and I am having some trouble with my lib. We hit the lib about 70% of the time, but the rest of the times, my right ankle rolls to the side so my bases have trouble holding me. Also, they sometimes complain about the stunt being too heavy. Do you have any advice?

    • Make sure you aren’t letting your left hip drop. This is common if a flyer rests their left foot against their right leg when they’re in a liberty. Also, im sure you’ve been told to hollow out. Make sure that you are still breathing. If you hold your breath you’ll lose strength and balance and rest your foot against your leg. Hope that helps.

  32. Jayna Thistle Says:

    This really helps me cause I do this stunt at My cheering practice and it helps to get good advice from other people rather than my coaches when they say the same thing every time!!!!

  33. Danielle Kelly Says:

    This was very helpful I was resting the foot against me knee and it was causing me to drop my hip so I was falling to the side everyone around me wouldn’t know what to say they would just tell me to squeeze my butt but I am always tight and squeezing my butt

  34. Ivory Says:

    So I’m just now getting back into flying after a year or so break. Libs used to be my favorite stunt, we’d do all types of crazy inversions and full up libs and the list goes on. Anyway I can’t even seem to stay in the air anymore. We went back to the basics and just tried a regular lib a prep level and my hip always sticks out. I have no idea how to fix it and its hard to bring it back in after being in the air. Its like as soon as I go up my lib leg hip gets wonky. I need all the tips and advice I can get! Thanks

  35. Cate Barnett Says:

    I have been a second/side base for 3 years and now they moved me to being the main base. Do you have any other tips you can give me for the lib, if you do it will be greatly appreciated. Thank you

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